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Nora Archibald Smith

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Nora Archibald Smith (1859 - 1934) là tác giả của nhiều tác phẩm về trẻ em Mỹ giai đoạn cuối thế kỷ 19 đầu thế kỷ 20.

Tales of Wonder Every Child Should Know

Tales of Wonder Every Child Should Know

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Miễn phí
There is a Chinese tale, known as The Singing Prisoner, in which a friendless man is bound hand and foot and thrown into a dungeon, where he lies on the cold stones unfed and untended. He has no hope of freedom and as complaint will avail him nothing, he begins to while away the hours by reciting poems and stories that he had learned in youth. So happily does he vary the tones of the speakers,...

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